Vocational Education Administration Between Thailand and Germany: A Comparative Study
Vocational Education Administration, Comparative Study, Qualitative Research, Dual SystemAbstract
This research aimed to explore a comparison of vocational education administration between Thailand and Germany. The comparison was researched in the four aspects of policy and objectives, administration and management, curriculum and instruction and current situation. Qualitative research of 20 vocational education documents in the two countries was analyzed as the basis of the data description. Research results showed as the follows; in the aspect of policy and objectives, both countries mainly focused on the development of professional knowledge, skills, career competency and further profession to be relevant to the National Economic and Social Development Plan and the labor market needs. Regarding the aspect of administration and management, the governments of the two countries set the major policy. However, centralization was motoring in Thailand while decentralization was applied in Germany. For the aspect of curriculum and instruction, dual system and apprenticeship were adopted in these two countries. Regarding the aspect of the current situation, both counties utilized more autonomy of administration and management and student-centered learning together with life and social skills were also emphasized.
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