The Component of Technostress and Technostress Inhibitors on Work From Home: Context of Banking industry
Work from Home, Technostress, Technostress InhibitorsAbstract
The objective of this research was to identify the component of technostress and technostress inhibitors on work from home: the context of Banking industry. This research was quantitative research by using the questionnaire to collect the data. The content validity (IOC) of questionnaire was tested and the IOC was found between 0.500-1.000. The reliability test of the questionnaire indicated that the coefficient of Cronbach's Alpha was 0.827. The data was collected both online and offline with the sample group of commercial bank employees in Thailand who used to work from home. The purposive sampling was used to recruit the samples. The 445 completed questionnaires were obtained, and the data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to study the components of variables. The exploratory component analysis (EFA) revealed that technostress consisted of complexity, overload, invasion and insecurity. In addition, technostress inhibitors consisted of literacy facilitation and technical support. The research findings also suggested the ways to alleviate the stress of technology use for employees. For organizations to adopt technology or to change the way they work, the sufficient time for learning, the participation in the changes and the preparation of various aspects should be provided for employees to relieve the stress of technology adoption and reduce the impact on employees if technology would be used within the organization in the future.
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