Factors Affecting Customers’ Brand Loyalty towards “Peung Noi” Grass Jelly in the Central Region of Thailand
Brand Loyalty, “Peung Noi” Grass Jelly, Consumer Behaviors, Marketing MixesAbstract
The objectives of this study were 1) to study customers’ brand loyalty towards “PeungNoi” grass jelly in the central region of Thailand, 2) to study the relationship between personal information and customers’ brand loyalty towards “PeungNoi” grass jelly in the central region of Thailand, 3) to study the relationship between customer behaviors and customers’ brand loyalty towards “PeungNoi” grass jelly in the central region of Thailand, and 4) to study the effect of marketing mixes on customers’ brand loyalty towards “PeungNoi” grass jelly in the central region of Thailand. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Statistics employed to test hypotheses were chi-square, and multiple regression analysis. The assessment of instrument quality was conducted through the determination of content validity by expert panels and the determination of the test reliability by the samples. The sample size calculation of unknown population was conducted by using the formula of W.G. Cochran (1953) at tolerance level of 0.05. The sample consisted of 400 customers who had bought “PeungNoi” grass jelly in the central region of Thailand. Research findings were as follows: 1) The overall customers’ brand loyalty towards “PeungNoi” grass jelly in the central region of Thailand was found at the high level, 2) The personal information was related to customers’ brand loyalty towards “PeungNoi” grass jelly in the central region of Thailand at the statistical significance level of 0.05, 3) Consumer behaviors were related to customers’ brand loyalty towards “PeungNoi” grass jelly in the central region of Thailand at the statistical significance level of 0.05, 4) marketing mixes in terms of product, place, people and process were related to customers’ brand loyalty towards “PeungNoi” grass jelly in the central region of Thailand
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