Product Demand Forecasting of Factories In Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate: Case Study of ABC (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.
Product Demand Forecasting, Implementation Planning, Control, Data Management, Data Storage, Product DistributionAbstract
This research had two objectives as follows: 1) to study the factors affecting the product demand forecasting 2) to study the effectiveness of product demand forecasting affecting the operation. This research was quantitative research. Samples used in this research were 380 employees of ABC (Thailand) Co., Ltd. The sample size was calculated by using Yamane's formula and the samples were recruited by using the non-probability sampling of simple random sampling. The tool for data collection in this research was the questionnaire. The statistical analysis included percentage, mean and standard deviation for explaining the information of personal characteristic factors, logistics management factors, and product demand forecasting of factories. The multiple regression analysis was implemented to test the hypothesis at the confidence level of 95%. The research results indicated that the logistics management factors were rated at the high level ( x̄ = 3.96, S.D.= 0.55). When considering each aspect, the control ( x̄ = 4.04, S.D.= 0.66) and data storage ( x̄ = 4.07, S.D.= 0.71) were found at the highest level, followed by data management ( x̄ = 3.96, S.D.= 0.68), implementation planning ( x̄ = 3.94, S.D.= 0.62) and distribution management ( x̄ = 3.80, S.D.= 0.88), respectively. The overall product demand forecasting was found at the high level, when considering each aspect, the timing and cost factors were both high in all aspects, respectively. The results of hypotheses testing revealed that logistics management factor of implementation planning, data management, and distribution management influenced the timing factor of product demand forecasting of factories in Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate (Case Study of ABC (Thailand) Co., Ltd.)
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