Determination of Organophosphate and Carbamate Pesticide Residues in Vegetables Used in Nutrition Division of Police Cadet Academy
Organophosphate, Carbamate, Nutrition Division of Police Cadet AcademyAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the safety level of cooking vegetables with MJPK test kit and apply the data to policy planning for developing a guideline of control system to check the procurement of uncontaminated toxins by the Nutrition Department, Police Cadet Academy. Samples of 20 unwashed vegetables were tested with the MJPK test kit. It was found that 15 types of vegetables were considered safe (75.0%), 3 types of vegetables were considered unsafe (15.00%), and 2 types of vegetables were considered very unsafe (10.00%). However, the above test was only a preliminary test. There was a limitation in the analysis as it could cause false positives. Therefore, the results should be verified with more accurate pesticide analysis. From the study, the information can be used to formulate a policy to prevent the risk of chemical pesticide contaminants as follows: 1) collaboration within the organization by participation of the Faculty of Forensic Science Police Cadet Academy scientists in the analysis of pesticides 2) cost and budget for pesticide analysis and service should be proposed and integrated 3) correct method of washing the vegetables must be selected and 4) summary report about the safety inspection of fruits and vegetables from the provider should be monthly arranged to set for prevention measures and police cadets health care.
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