The Causal Model Affecting Emotional Intelligences of Administrators in Basic Educational Schools Under the Office of the Private Education Commission
Emotional Intelligence, School Administrators, Office of the Private Education CommissionAbstract
This research aimed to study the level of emotional intelligence of school administrators and develop the causal model of emotional intelligence of administrators of Basic Educational Institution under the Office of the Private Education Commission This research was quantitative research. (Quantitative Methods). The sample selected to answer the questionnaire included 450 school administrators obtained by using the stratified random sampling. The research instrument was the questionnaire with the five-point rating scale which was evaluated by experts. The consistency index ranged between 0.60-1.00 and the reliability coefficient was 0.954. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation and the statistics used in the causal relationship analysis was the Lisrel program (LISREL). The findings indicated that the opinion towards the emotional intelligence of the school administrators was rated at the high level (X= 4.00, S.D. = 0.46). The results of the causal model development affecting the emotional competence of the administrators of Basic Education Institutions under the Private Education Commission revealed that 1) Parenting exerted a direct positive influence on the personality, exercise of power and motivation for achievement and emotional intelligence of the administrators 2) Personality had a direct positive influence on the exercise of power and emotional intelligence of the administrators. 3) The exercise of power had a direct positive influence on the emotional intelligence of the administrators. 4) The motivation for achievement had a direct positive influence on the exercise of power and emotional intelligence of the administrators.
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