The Development of Participative Management Model of the Yarang District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre, Pattani Province
Development, Model, Participative ManagementAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study participative management of the Yarang district non-formal and informal education centre. 2) to develop participative management model of the Yarang district non-formal and informal education centre. 3) to study the effect of using participative management model of the Yarang district non-formal and informal education centre. The simple random sampling technique was selected to recruit 80 samples, including directors, school boards, teachers and staffs. The research instruments were 1) participative management questionnaire, 2) participative management model, 3) assessment form of participative management model, 4) participative management model's result questionnaire. The research statistics were mean and standard deviation. The research findings were shown as follows: 1) The overall participative management of Yarang district non-formal and informal education centre was found at the high level (X̅= 4.22, S.D. = .13). 2) Participative management model was appropriate and the assessment of overall usage possibility was at the highest level (X̅= 4.54, S.D. = .35), 3) Teachers and staffs had overall satisfaction towards participative management model of the Yarang district non-formal and informal education centre at the highest level (X̅= 4.62, S.D. = .46) and academic institutions had 3 empirical works : Institution, Innovation and Community development.
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