The Development of Learning Activities Based on the Orton-Gillingham Concept to Enhance the Ability to Read Thai for Grade 1 Students


  • Warunya Kaptoom Faculty of Education, Naresuan University
  • Wichian Thamrongsotthisakul Faculty of Education, Naresuan University


Learning Based on the Orton-Gillingham Concept, Ability to Read Thai, Reading Problems


This study; “The Development of Learning Activities Based on the Orton-Gillingham Concept to Enhance the Ability to Read Thai for Grade 1 Students” was experimental research. The objectives of this study were 1) to create and identify the efficiency of Orton-Gillingham-Based Learning Activities to enhance the ability to read Thai for grade 1 students based on the criterion 75/75 2) to compare between the pre and post reading ability of the students using learning activities based on the Orton-Gillingham concept for grade 1 students. To enhance the ability to read Thai for grade 1 students, the research and development process was implemented. The sample group included fourteen grade 1 students who were studying semester 2, academic year 2021 at Lomradwittaya School, Thoen District, Lampang Province. The sample were chosen by simple random sampling. The research instrument was Orton-Gillingham-Based Learning Activities to enhance the ability to read Thai for grade 1 students. The reliability of Thai reading ability test was 0.95 and the discriminant validity was 0.55-0.78. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent. The results revealed that 1. Activities and learning plans had the efficiency (gif.latex?E_{1}/gif.latex?E_{2}) at 74.72/77.00 which met the criterion 75/75 2. The comparison of Thai reading ability between before and after classes indicated that an average score of the ability to read Thai language after studying (gif.latex?x\bar{}=76.64, S.D.= 8.68) was significantly higher than before studying (gif.latex?x\bar{}=61.71, S.D. =11.64) at the statistical significance level of .05 (t= 7.16, sig= 0.000)


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How to Cite

Kaptoom, W. ., & Thamrongsotthisakul, W. . (2023). The Development of Learning Activities Based on the Orton-Gillingham Concept to Enhance the Ability to Read Thai for Grade 1 Students. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 19(1), 1–15. retrieved from



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