Strengths and Weaknesses of Thailand as an Investment Base of Elderly Nursing Home Business for Japanese Private Investors.


  • Daorai Limsaihua Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage


Investment Base, Elderly Care Business, Japanese Private Investor


The objective of this research was to study the strengths and weaknesses of Thailand as an investment base of the elderly nursing home business for Japanese private investors. The researcher applied SWOT analysis and the theoretical concept of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as the research framework. This study was qualitative research (Descriptive research) which collected data by using in-depth interview with 17 key informants such as Japanese private companies, Japanese embassy staff and international organizations staff in Thailand, and Thai government officials who were involved in the elderly care business (Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Board of Investment and also Thai scholars who were experts in elderly care and Japanese investment issue). The study found that strengths included the elderly market size, the growth rate of the elderly care business, the potential of Thai medical workers and elderly caregivers, and Thailand's society and culture. The weaknesses were the lack of a nursing home cooperation framework between Thailand and Japan, the problem of regulations on foreign investment, labor shortage, instability of domestic political situation and market conditions, and monopolistic competition. The opportunity was the Asia Health and Well-Being Initiatives (AHWIN) policy. Finally, the threat was Covid-19 outbreak.


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How to Cite

Limsaihua, D. (2024). Strengths and Weaknesses of Thailand as an Investment Base of Elderly Nursing Home Business for Japanese Private Investors. Suan Dusit Graduate School Academic Journal, 20(3), 77–91. retrieved from