Analyze the Availability and Use of Books in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science Library, Kasetsart University, Thailand


  • Jinnapat Chuenchomnoy Faculty of Liberal Art Library, Kasetsart University Kampaengsaen Campus, Nakornpathom 73140, Thailand


Book resources; Service use; Library; Having books; Using books; Borrowing service


The purpose of this research was to analyze the availability and use of books and compare the availability and use of books classified by the L.C. category and other categories of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science library with the Sierra automatic library system from data collection as of September 30, 2023. It was an exploratory research. The statistics used were to find the frequency and percentage of the average book usage rate per book and explain the results descriptively. The results of the study found that the total volume of books was 14,773, of which 12,378 were Thai language books (83.78 percent) and 2,395 were foreign language books (16.22 percent). The category with the highest quantity was Category H, Social Sciences, with 5,138 books (34.78 percent), and the use of books had a total of 71,723 borrowing statistics. Statistics on the use of Thai language books were 65,170 times (90.86 percent) and statistics on the use of foreign language books were 6,553 times (16.22 percent). The category with the most usage statistics was the Science Q category with 20,382 times (28.42 percent). The results of comparing the availability and use of books when considering the average use rate of the most times per book was Category Z, Bibliography and Library Science, with 124 books (0.84 percent). Statistics of use were 1,235 times (1.72 percent), the average number of times per book was 9.96. As for the results of comparing the availability and use of books classified by book category with content consistent with the teaching curriculum divided by department of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, it was found that the department with the highest volume of books was the Department of Business Administration and Accounting, with 4,518 volumes (30.58 percent). Statistics of use were 17,191 times (23.97 percent). The average number of times per book was 3.81.


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How to Cite

Chuenchomnoy, J. . (2025). Analyze the Availability and Use of Books in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science Library, Kasetsart University, Thailand. CUAST Journal, 14(1), e1455. retrieved from