The Effectiveness of Monitoring and Effectiveness of Strategic Planning KPIs Using Management Planning and Budgeting Database System during 2019-2023


  • Nuntiya Teepiwat College of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, Warin Chamrap District, Ubonratchathani 34190, Thailand
  • Wacharapong Saengnill College of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, Warin Chamrap District, Ubonratchathani 34190, Thailand


Project management; Information system; Database system; Operational plan; Progress report; Key performance indicators


This study aims to 1) analyze the monitoring and evaluate the effectiveness of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in strategic planning, 2) compare the differences in effectiveness between KPIs and the strategic plan. Data were collected from the management planning and budgeting database system, based on the framework of budget allocation for strategic planning projects during the fiscal years 2019-2023. The monitoring report and achieved results of strategic planning were analyzed using frequency and percentage. Subsequently, the differences between the percentage results of KPIs and the strategic plan were analyzed using One-way ANOVA. The results showed that in the fiscal year 2025, all five strategic plans reported commendable 100% completion of project progress. When considering the progress report percentage per the total number of projects, separated according to the strategic plan, it was found that all strategic plans reported exceeding 85 percent. Notably, Strategy 4 and Strategy 5 stood out with a remarkable 100% completion rate. The effectiveness of KPIs, indicating the success of achieving the targets in strategic planning for the fiscal years 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, were 62.12, 75.00, 58.33, 60.00, and 60.00 %, respectively. Finally, the comparison of the differences between the effectiveness of KPIs and the strategic plan found that all five strategic plans were not significantly different.


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How to Cite

Teepiwat , N. ., & Saengnill, W. . (2025). The Effectiveness of Monitoring and Effectiveness of Strategic Planning KPIs Using Management Planning and Budgeting Database System during 2019-2023. CUAST Journal, 14(1), e1453. retrieved from