The Development of KMUTT Foreign New Student Registration by Using LEAN Management
KMUTT foreign new student; New student registration; LEAN managementAbstract
The development of KMUTT foreign new student registration by using LEAN management originated from collecting problems of students in late course registration, for example, studying a lot of information within a specific period and having misunderstandings in applicant status-academic activities relationship. A researcher applied LEAN management to solve these problems and called a new model as 3N3C model. The developed model showed 3 consecutive activities in each applicant’s status, which are new student status (N-status) and current student status (C-status). This research aims were 1) to develop KMUTT foreign new student registration by using LEAN management and 2) to evaluate the sample group’s satisfaction toward KMUTT foreign new student registration by using LEAN management. The sample group used in this research was 152 current students whose program was a full-time program in 1st semester of the academic year 2023. The research tools were 1) KMUTT foreign new student registration through the 3N3C model 2) Online instruction of the 3N3C model 3) Online KMUTT registration system, New Acis 4) Questionnaire for satisfaction in foreign new student registration through the 3N3C model. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results revealed that 115 full-time current students in 1st semester of the academic year 2023 completed course registration via the 3N3C model in time (75.66%). Also, the high level of overall satisfaction from the sample group in the development of KMUTT foreign new student registration by using LEAN management (= 4.47, SD=0.77).
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