Needs Assessment to Service Quality Development of the Human Research Ethics Committee of Walailak University Office


  • Sudarat Changrong Research and Innovation Institute Excellence, Walailak University, Thasala, Nakhon Si Thammarat 80160, Thailand


Actual State; Expectation; Need; Quality of service; Human Research Ethics Committee Office


This research aimed at 1) studying perceptions in realistic conditions and the expectations, quality of service of the Office of Ethics Review Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects, Walailak University, and 2) evaluating the necessary need for service quality development of the Office of Ethics Review Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects, Walailak University.

A total of 98 heads of a research project that submitted the research protocol to the Ethics Review Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects during January to September 2021 were enrolled in this study. A 5-point scale questionnaire with reliability of .968 and .941 for expectation and the realistic conditions of quality of service, respectively, was used to collect the data. The statistics used were mean, percentage, and standard deviation. Moreover, the needs assessment was analyzed by PNI Modified. The results found that:

  1. In every element, the perception of service quality in realistic conditions and expectations for service quality were at the highest level. Sorted by averages, from highest to lowest. As follows: 1) the assurance side 2) the caring side 3) the touch side 4) the reliability side 5) the responsiveness side.
  2. Required requirements PNIs are ranked from high to low as follows: (1) the response side requires a channel to complain or provide service advice between contractors and offices; (2) the reliability side requires service staff to be on time; (3) the touching side requires the office to have a website and publish information that is easily accessible; (4) the careful side requires the office staff to be attentive and resolve doubts with the contractor well; and (5) the confidence side requires the office staff to be confident.


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How to Cite

Changrong, S. . (2025). Needs Assessment to Service Quality Development of the Human Research Ethics Committee of Walailak University Office. CUAST Journal, 14(1), e1386. retrieved from



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