Effective Civic Education Pedagogy: Efficiency of Supplementary Tutoring on Students’ Learning Outcome in Civic Education



Civic Education Pedagogy, Civic Education, Efficiency of Supplementary Tutoring, Supplementary Tutoring, Students' Learning Outcome


This research aims to 1) explore the efficacy of Supplementary Tutoring (ST) on students' learning outcome and 2) determine if students will differ in their scholarly performance by gender when instructed with ST. The research adopted a quasi-experimental design. A sample of one hundred and seventy (170) students were involved in the research. The study employed the Supplementary Tutoring Learning Outcome Test (STLOT) instrument for data gathering. Data were analyzed with mean statistics, t-tests, and ANCOVA statistics. The findings revealed that ST improved students' learning outcome in CE as it reinforced concepts that had been taught or imparted in a regular classroom. Also, students differ in their learning outcome by gender; the ST instructional approach favored male students. This study supports the earlier study outcomes that ST is effective as an instructional tool for improving students' learning outcome in CE. Further, it is an approach for developing instructional approaches to enhance instruction and learning in CE. It was recommended that the ST method should be integrated or incorporated into the curriculum of teacher training institutions; CE teachers should receive professional development training in ST and other school instructional methods; socially constructed philosophies of gender should be considered in the usage or application of ST in CE instructions.


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