St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
<p><em>St.Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences publishes quality and original research that offers insights and practical implications pertaining to the fields of education and business management to serve stakeholders with practically useful knowledge.</em></p> <p><em>St.Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is a bi-annual journal scheduled to be published on January-June and July-December. SJHS started publishing in both print and online versions from January 2015. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Old website: </em></strong>(The old website is no longer continues since July 1, 2024)</p> <p> </p> <h3>Publication Charges</h3> <p>A two-step payment process will be required to enable an effective and efficient screening process. Fee payment will be due in two installments:</p> <ul> <li>The total publication fee remains unchanged at<strong> 3,500 </strong><strong>Thai Baht.</strong> <ul> <li class="show">The 1st step publication fee, due at registration, will be <strong>1,500 Thai Baht for both Thai and international authors. This fee is non-refundable.</strong></li> <li class="show">Upon acceptance, the author must pay the remaining 2<sup>nd</sup> step publication fee of <strong>2,000 Thai Baht.</strong></li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><strong> The new fee shall be in effect from July 1, 2024 onward.</strong></p> </li> </ul>St Teresa International Univeristyen-USSt. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences2408-2120The Development of Learning Activities on Statistics in Everyday Life Course through Authentic Project Based-Learning Approach for Undergraduate Students in Private University
<p>The research objectives were (1) To develop Learning activities on Statistics in Everyday Life Course through Authentic Project-Based Learning (APBL) approach for Undergraduate students in a private university. (2) To compare learning achievement of Undergraduate students before and after participating in learning activities on Statistics in Everyday Life Course through APBL approach. (3) To compare the abilities of project work and the criteria of 70% of Undergraduate students after participating in learning activities on Statistics in Everyday Life Course. The sample for the study was 97 first-year students in different majors of St Teresa International University who enrolled in Statistics in Everyday Life Course in the 1st semester of academic year 2023. The research instruments included five lesson plans of learning activities for the Statistics in Everyday Life Course using the APBL approach, pre-test and post-test of learning achievement, and an evaluation form of abilities of project work. Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test-dependent, and t-test-one samples were used for data analysis. The results were (1) The five lesson plans of learning activities using APBL approach were evaluated by experts at the high level (x ̅ = 4.38, S.D.=0.35). (2) Post-test of learning achievement scores (x ̅ = 24.40, S.D.= 3.43) were significantly higher than pre-test (x ̅ = 10.53, S.D.= 5.60) at the level of .05. (t = -27.4), and (3) The scores of abilities of project work (x ̅ = 43.36, S.D = 3.04) were significantly higher than the Criteria of 70% at the level of .05 (t = 21.47).</p>Surarak OnpanMontien ChomdokmaiPongthep JiraroPojanee Mangkang
Copyright (c) 2025 St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025-01-032025-01-03111113Accentuation of Brand through Slogan Rebranding: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
<p>Rebranding aims to reshape customer perceptions by altering a brand's name, logo, or slogan. This study unveils how slogan rebranding accentuates and transforms brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand re-identity, and brand repositioning, driving a refreshed narrative for the brand. The study collected data from 203 respondents who were individuals confirmed to be aware of the rebranding campaigns of the three brands through a preliminary screening question included in the questionnaire and whether they are consuming those brands. The results revealed that Perceived Quality significantly influences Brand Loyalty, and Brand Re-identity positively affects Perceived Quality, while Brand Repositioning had no significant impact on Perceived Quality. The findings suggest that rebranding efforts should prioritize improving Perceived Quality and Brand Re-identity to enhance brand loyalty. Successful rebranding aligned with customer preferences and market trends can strengthen brand attachment and loyalty. Socially, rebranding can shift public perceptions and foster stronger customer-brand relationships, contributing to sustainable business practices. This study provides empirical evidence on the effects of rebranding slogans, offering valuable insights for brands seeking to improve loyalty and market positioning.</p>Preethy Rose MR. Shanthi
Copyright (c) 2025 St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025-01-032025-01-031111434Effects of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learnings on Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Chemistry
<p>The study looked at how Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) affects secondary school students' academic performance in Chemistry. There were two research questions, and two hypotheses were examined at the 0.05 alpha level. The design used was quasi-experimental, specifically a pretest-posttest nonrandomized control group. The study population of the study was 3,441 SS2 chemistry students. Samples of 103 students were chosen using purposeful and random selection approaches. The data-gathering instruments were the Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT), which was validated by three specialists. The reliability of CAT was determined using the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20, which resulted in coefficients of internal consistency of.88.Mean and standard deviation were utilized to answer research questions while the hypotheses were tested using analysis of covariance. According to the study, students who received chemistry instruction using CSCL outperformed those who received instruction by DTI in terms of mean achievement scores. There was also a substantial difference in mean achievement scores between students taught Chemistry utilizing CSCL and Direct Teacher Instruction (DTI), with CSCL coming out on top. The study found no significant influence of gender. It was suggested that chemistry educators should provide a rich learning environment and experience for their students by utilizing instructional group studies, which may be accomplished with the help of computers and collaborative software tools.</p>Avwiri H.E.
Copyright (c) 2025 St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025-01-212025-01-211113546The Causal Relationship between Small Entrepreneurial Skills and Innovation Competencies Affecting the Survival of Small Businesses: Empirical Evidence from Thailand
<p>This research aims to study the influence of small entrepreneurial skills and innovation competencies on the survival of small businesses. The sample group is 364 small business entrepreneurs. The tools used were questionnaires and statistics used in data analysis including frequency, percentage, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The research results found that the CFA of all latent variable indicators showed consistency between the research framework and empirical data. In addition, the SEM analysis found that three areas of small entrepreneurial skills, namely digital skills, leadership skills, and management skills, directly influence small business entrepreneurs' innovation competencies, and innovation competencies have a positive direct influence on the survival of small businesses. The finding shows that small entrepreneurial skills lead innovation in small businesses, driving them to expand efficiency, reduce costs, enhance product quality, and improve alignment with consumer demands. By leveraging innovation competencies, small entrepreneurs can anticipate consumer requirements, develop new ideas, and quickly deliver products and services, ultimately ensuring the business's survival and success.</p>Wanlee PutsomJirapa Ngamsutti
Copyright (c) 2025 St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences