Related factors to herbs self-care behaviors of people in Pho Sub-district, Muang District, Sisaket Province.


  • ศรีงามลักษณ์ ศรีปวริศร
  • ศิวิไล โพธิ์ชัย
  • ณัฐธยาน์ บุญมาก บุญมาก
  • น่ารัก จุดาบุตร


This research is descriptive research. The objective was to study factors related to the behavior of using herbs for self-care among 400 people in Pho sub-district, Muang district, Sisaket province. The sample size was obtained from a simple random sampling In this study, taro Yamane sample size determination formulas (Yamane 1973: 580-581) were calculated at a 95% confidence level. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire created by the researchers. which has passed the content validity check from 3 qualified persons, verifying confidence by Cronbach's Alpha Method get a coefficient equal to 0.94 Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics to find the values ​​such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The correlation was analyzed using quasi square statistic and Pearson correlation coefficient statistic.The results of the research found that               1. The behavior of using herbs for self-care of the sample group Overall and classified by aspects were at moderate level, on average equal to (× ̅=1.76, S. D=0.80).

  1. Knowledge about the use of herbs for self-care sample group Overall and classified by aspect were at low level, on average equal to (× ̅=0. 69, S. D=0.47).
  2. Knowledge about the use of herbs for self-care There was a positive correlation with the behavior of using herbs for self-care in the urinary system. statistically significant at the 0.05 level

               4. Personal factors such as status, graduation, positive correlation with the behavior of using herbs for self-health care. Personal factors were sex, age, congenital disease, income, occupation and experience in using herbs. There was no positive correlation with the behavior of using herbs for self-care.


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How to Cite

ศรีปวริศร ศ. ., โพธิ์ชัย ศ., บุญมาก ณ. บ., & จุดาบุตร น. . (2022). Related factors to herbs self-care behaviors of people in Pho Sub-district, Muang District, Sisaket Province. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 9(1), 69. retrieved from