The effectiveness of royal Thai massage in patients with back pain syndrome Ban Khanun Health Promoting Hospital, Khanun Sub-district, Kantharalak District Sisaket Province

Keyword: Royal Thai massage, effectiveness, back muscle pain


  • Krittanai Maneenuan
  • Phuriwat Sonart
  • Rattanaporn Khammนon


This research is a pre- and post-experimental research with one group. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of royal Thai traditional massage in patients with back pain syndrome. and to compare the degree of myalgia before and after treatment with royal Thai massage in patients with myalgia. The sample was a service recipient. at Ban Kanun Health Promoting Hospital The samples were selected using a simple random sampling method. by means of a non-returnable draw The total number of samples was 25 people. tools used in the study is an interview form. The statistics used for data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and test statistics on the effectiveness of royal Thai massage. in patients with back pain syndrome, It was found that before the massage, most of the subjects had pain at level 6, representing 32.00%, and after massage, most of the subjects had pain at level 3. accounted for 40.00 percent Results of a comparative study of the degree of myalgia of back pain before and after treatment with royal Thai massage in patients with myalgia. It was found that back pain was significantly reduced at p<0.05.


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How to Cite

Maneenuan, K. ., Sonart, P., & Khammนon R. (2022). The effectiveness of royal Thai massage in patients with back pain syndrome Ban Khanun Health Promoting Hospital, Khanun Sub-district, Kantharalak District Sisaket Province: Keyword: Royal Thai massage, effectiveness, back muscle pain. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 9(1), 49. retrieved from