The Motivation of Personal Performance Effect Efficiency and Effectiveness to Personal Performance Administration Organization, Chang Klang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

Keywords: Motivation, Personnel, Performance


  • Romkamon Wichitchan
  • Kanyapat Chanmungpak
  • Wachira Khemphong


This exploratory study to study the level of motivation factors and the level of performance of personnel in the sub-district administrative organization to compare the work performance of personnel in sub-district administrative organizations and to study factors affecting the motivation to work among personnel in sub-district administrative organizations, Chang Klang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The sample group for this study was personnel in sub-district administrative organization, Chang Klang District. Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, 115 people the research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Statistics used for testing were t-test and F-test and statistics using multiple regression analysis. at a high level and found that personal factors affect the motivation to work. Statistically significant P<0.05, while other factors It is a factor that does not have a significant effect.


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How to Cite

Wichitchan, R. ., Chanmungpak, K., & Khemphong, W. . (2022). The Motivation of Personal Performance Effect Efficiency and Effectiveness to Personal Performance Administration Organization, Chang Klang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province: Keywords: Motivation, Personnel, Performance. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 9(1), 71. retrieved from