Software Application: E-Queue for Practical Implementation


  • La-or SriSuma Faculty of Administrative Sciences Chalermkanchana University
  • Rattanakorn Chansawadi Faculty of Administrative Sciences Chalermkanchana University
  • Sirakan Bangoen Faculty of Political Science Chalermkanchana University


Queue system, Social discipline, Queue skipping, Efficiency


E-Queue is a queue management system developed to improve and enhance queue processes for long-term efficiency. Its aim is to prevent queue jumping, promote social discipline, and ensure fast and convenient use. Additionally, it helps reduce the problem of excessively long queues. The system comprises two main components: the owner’s application (running on a notebook with Windows 8) and the user’s application (an Android application), both connected via a tethering hotspot for ease of use without additional costs. The software is designed to restrict users from leaving the area for extended periods and only allows users to join one queue at a time, replicating a real-life queuing experience. The primary goal is to foster discipline and prevent queue jumping. The system does not require an internet connection and incurs no cost, making it widely applicable for general use.


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How to Cite

SriSuma, L.- or ., Chansawadi , R. ., & Bangoen, S. . (2024). Software Application: E-Queue for Practical Implementation. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 10(2), 118–128. retrieved from