Essence of CPTPP: Legal Notes Relating to Thailand's Request for Accession
CPTPP, Accession, Commitments, Regional Free Trade AreaAbstract
This article aimed to present basic information, legal basis and mechanism of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and to analyze legal issues directly related to Thailand's request for negotiation to access CPTPP. The qualitative research by documentaries found several vivid advantages of accession into regional multilateral agreement and the most concerned impact or damage against industries being not ready for opening market to foreigners and abiding by new developing covenants. By law, Thailand can be simultaneously signatory of several agreements and former contracting agreements can be further applicable to Thailand. In the accession process, Thailand's offer in line with at least 3 specified benchmarks was uneasy task. Meanwhile, several contracting parties had entered into side letters in specific subjects separated from CPTPP but non-contracting countries neither refer nor gain their benefits. Accordingly, Thailand's public sector should consider proper Non-conformity Measures, General Notes, Offset and Transitional Measures to be included in Thailand's offer through negotiation under procedure in benefit of such unready industries, conduct research in each industry and brainstorming to provide Thailand's offer indicating readiness and potential pursuant to the 3 benchmarks under original and new-developed terms and manage confusion and inaccurate operation arising from overlap and complexity caused by simultaneous commitments in several agreements as well as prepare for side letters made in necessary industries.
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