Law Enforcement on Reconciliation Justice
Reconciliation Justice Process, Investigative Proceedings for Juveniles, Law EnforcementAbstract
This research on the title of Law Enforcement on Reconciliation Justice had the objectives on studying the problems, causes and suggesting the guidelines development of law enforcement on reconciliation justice. The study applied qualitative research method using questionnaire, depth interviews and seminar groups to collect information and data. The results of the research revealed that the provisions of the law relating to the judicial process during the investigation of juveniles including the concept of protecting children and youths who commited offenses were obstacles in the performance of competent officials. Moreover, the stakeholders concerning with the legal proceeding with children and youths still lacked the understanding of the legislative intent of reconciliation justice process. The budget readiness, the training of staff and stakeholders in operations and the cooperation of the offending child or youth and their family were regarded as the important factors that caused problems in the reconciliation justice process during the investigation of juvenile cases. To develop the effectiveness of the reconciliation justice process in the investigation of juvenile cases, the Juvenile and Family Courts and Juvenile and Family Procedure Act B.E. 2010 should be reviewed and amended to include provisions related to the reconciliation process instead of criminal prosecution.
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