The Development of Learning Activities on Statistics in Everyday Life Course through Authentic Project Based-Learning Approach for Undergraduate Students in Private University


  • Surarak Onpan Master of Education Student, Faculty of Education, St Teresa International University, Thailand
  • Montien Chomdokmai Lecturer, Faculty of Education, St Teresa International University, Thailand
  • Pongthep Jiraro Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, St Teresa International University, Thailand
  • Pojanee Mangkang Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, St Teresa International University, Thailand


Authentic Project-Based Learning, Statistics in Everyday Life Course


The research objectives were (1) To develop Learning activities on Statistics in Everyday Life Course through Authentic Project-Based Learning (APBL) approach for Undergraduate students in a private university. (2) To compare learning achievement of Undergraduate students before and after participating in learning activities on Statistics in Everyday Life Course through APBL approach. (3) To compare the abilities of project work and the criteria of 70% of Undergraduate students after participating in learning activities on Statistics in Everyday Life Course. The sample for the study was 97 first-year students in different majors of St Teresa International University who enrolled in Statistics in Everyday Life Course in the 1st semester of academic year 2023. The research instruments included five lesson plans of learning activities for the Statistics in Everyday Life Course using the APBL approach, pre-test and post-test of learning achievement, and an evaluation form of abilities of project work. Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test-dependent, and t-test-one samples were used for data analysis. The results were (1) The five lesson plans of learning activities using APBL approach were evaluated by experts at the high level (x ̅ = 4.38, S.D.=0.35). (2) Post-test of learning achievement scores (x ̅ = 24.40, S.D.= 3.43) were significantly higher than pre-test (x ̅ = 10.53, S.D.= 5.60) at the level of .05. (t = -27.4), and (3) The scores of abilities of project work (x ̅ = 43.36, S.D = 3.04) were significantly higher than the Criteria of 70% at the level of .05 (t = 21.47).


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