Effects of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learnings on Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Chemistry


  • Avwiri H.E. Institution of Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


Computer, Achievement, Chemistry


The study looked at how Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) affects secondary school students' academic performance in Chemistry. There were two research questions, and two hypotheses were examined at the 0.05 alpha level. The design used was quasi-experimental, specifically a pretest-posttest nonrandomized control group. The study population of the study was 3,441 SS2 chemistry students. Samples of 103 students were chosen using purposeful and random selection approaches. The data-gathering instruments were the Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT), which was validated by three specialists. The reliability of CAT was determined using the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20, which resulted in coefficients of internal consistency of.88.Mean and standard deviation were utilized to answer research questions while the hypotheses were tested using analysis of covariance. According to the study, students who received chemistry instruction using CSCL outperformed those who received instruction by DTI in terms of mean achievement scores. There was also a substantial difference in mean achievement scores between students taught Chemistry utilizing CSCL and Direct Teacher Instruction (DTI), with CSCL coming out on top. The study found no significant influence of gender. It was suggested that chemistry educators should provide a rich learning environment and experience for their students by utilizing instructional group studies, which may be accomplished with the help of computers and collaborative software tools.


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