Accident Prevention Behaviors of Carpenter of Working in Sawasdeekhamai Muang District Sisaket Province


  • รุ่งฤทัย บุญทศ
  • อัสฟีญ่า หะยีดาโอะ


Carpenter, Accident at work and Accident prevention


This descriptive study is preventing accident behaviors of carpenter of working in Sawasdeekhamai, Muang district, Sisaket province. The samples were 52 persons. Tools used to collect data was questionnaires of knowledge, attitudes, prevent accident behaviors at work, the rates of reliability were 0.78, 0.92 and 0.75 respectively. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and chi-square statistics. This result showed that all carpenter are male and high school, age between 35-44 year old and work experience less than 3 year was 50%, income 8,000 baht/month was 42.31%, working time 8 hours/ day and drink alcohol was 76.92%, single status was 40.40%, smoking was 90.38%, agencies are encouraged to use protective equipment was 84.60%, accident at work was 57.70% and receive training on safety in the workplace was 86.50%. Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in occupational accident prevention is high level was 75.00, 92.31 and 65.38%, respectively. Knowledge and attitudes factor correlated with the level of prevent accident behaviors at work, with statistical significance at the level of 0.05.


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How to Cite

บุญทศ ร. ., & หะยีดาโอะ อ. . (2023). Accident Prevention Behaviors of Carpenter of Working in Sawasdeekhamai Muang District Sisaket Province. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 10(2), 47. retrieved from