Related factors to stress during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandermic and the adaptation to stress of people of working age in Pho sub-district community, Mueang Sisaket district, Sisaket province


  • อัจฉรา อิ่มน้อย
  • ศิวิไล โพธิ์ชัย
  • ขนิษฐา สนเท่ห์
  • น่ารัก จุดาบุตร


The purposive of this descriptive correlational study. The objectives was to study factors related to stress during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic and adaptation to stress among working-age people in Pho sub-district communities. Mueang Sisaket District Sisaket Province The sample was a representative of 265 households in Pho acquired by Yamane's formula. The questionnaire was use for data collection which change checking frankness of the substance content science), from 2 knowledgeable amount you 30 people Cronbach's Coefficent of Alpha analysis as 0.89. The statistics applied for this study were Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, Chi - square test and Pearson’s- Product-Moment Correlation.

The results showed that majority were the personal factors include marital status and community status. There was a positive correlation with the adjustment to stress among working-age people, Pho sub-district. statistically significant at 0.01 level. The stress of the people of working age of the sample group at the lowest level with an average of 1.76 (S.D.0.99). The behavior of adapting to stress among working-age people of the sample group as a whole moderate with an average of 1.90 (SD = 0.63). The stress of the working-age people of the sample group was positively correlated with the adaptive behavior to the stress of the people of the social working age. with a statistical significance at the 0.05 level (r= .130, p < 0.05)


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How to Cite

อิ่มน้อย อ. . ., โพธิ์ชัย ศ. ., สนเท่ห์ ข. . ., & จุดาบุตร น. . . (2022). Related factors to stress during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandermic and the adaptation to stress of people of working age in Pho sub-district community, Mueang Sisaket district, Sisaket province. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 9(1), 129. retrieved from