Examination of salicylic acid (Anti-fungal) in food category vegetable and pickled fruit in Tambon Mamuangsongton Nakhon Si Thammarat


  • Somsak Buttarat
  • Patima Boonlom
  • Prakongsri Thanomnuan


Salicylic acid, contamination, vegetable and pickled fruit


This research has objective for investigate source distribute Salicylic acid, including source distribute of vegetable and pickled fruit. Along with test contamination of Salicylic acid in Tambon Maruang Song Ton Amphoe Phra Phrom Nakhon Si Tharnmarat Province and a simple group that's taken to test pickled vegetable 5 types (ginger, Lettuce, shoot, garlic, radish) and pickled fruit 5 types (grape, mango, Madan, star gooseberry, tamarind) by taking all of instance to examine the contamination of with the example set. The result showed that Salicylic acid has general sale mostly it' has a trade name is preservatives or mold. Part name in chemical that found is Sodium benzoate and Sodium Propionate. Which sources distribute vegetable and pickled fruit that survey find merchant and Vendor receive form Fruit and Vegetables Market Hua It. When we random check example of contamination in vegetable and pickled fruit accounted for percentage 51.14 and 60.00 will find that contaminant Salicylic acid in both since in process of pickled must increase Chemical substance for extend the life of maintenance longer and inhibit growth of microorganism. It looks Appetizing.


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How to Cite

Buttarat, S. ., Boonlom, P., & Thanomnuan, P. . (2022). Examination of salicylic acid (Anti-fungal) in food category vegetable and pickled fruit in Tambon Mamuangsongton Nakhon Si Thammarat. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 9(2), 86. retrieved from https://so19.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cnujournal/article/view/213