Factors Related to Blood Sugar Level Control Behavior of Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetic Patients in The Area of Responsibility of The Health Promoting Hospital at Banthachang, Changsal Sub-District, Phraphrom District, Nakhonsithammarat Province

Keywords: sugar level control behavior, non-insulin dependent diabetic patients, relationships


  • Kanlaya Kuranam
  • Dolchai Lertwijitananan
  • Kittithat Yurathai


This research is a regulatory survey research to study the relationship between personal factors and the level control system required for non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. and to study the relationship between origins with a level control system that will help non-insulin-dependent diabetes non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. There were 137 people.

The results of the study showed that most genders were female, 74.5%, aged 60 years and over, 73.0%, trade occupation, 44.5%, elementary school education, 65.0%, average monthly income 9,000- 15,000-baht, 51.1 percent, 87.6 percent body mass index exceeded the criteria, knowledge about diabetes patients was at a good level. The patient's blood glucose control behavior was moderate. Statistically significant (p<0.05)


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How to Cite

Kuranam, K. ., Lertwijitananan, D., & Yurathai, K. . (2022). Factors Related to Blood Sugar Level Control Behavior of Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetic Patients in The Area of Responsibility of The Health Promoting Hospital at Banthachang, Changsal Sub-District, Phraphrom District, Nakhonsithammarat Province: Keywords: sugar level control behavior, non-insulin dependent diabetic patients, relationships. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 9(1), 92. Retrieved from https://so19.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cnujournal/article/view/201