Guidelines for developing a web application for the Southern Souvenir


  • Natthakamon Silpasert Faculty of Law Chalermkanchana University
  • Waritsanan Buntamcharoen Faculty of Administrative Sciences Chalermkanchana University
  • Jirapong Mahapoj Faculty of Political Science Chalermkanchana University


System Development Cycle, Web Application, Warehouse Management


This study aimed to 1) study the development guideline for a web application for the Southern Souvenir Product Center, and 2) design and develop a web application for product management, inventory management, and online sales of the Southern Souvenir Product Center. The sample group used in this study was 250 customers of the Southern Souvenir Product Center through instruction. Research instruments: 1) Web application satisfaction assessment form. The research results found that the overall system was at the highest level ( = 4.50, S.D. = 0.56). When considering each aspect, 1) system efficiency and usefulness were at the highest level ( = 4.58, S.D. = 0.58); 2) system design was at a high level ( = 4.40, S.D. = 0.54); and 3) system support and services were at the highest level ( = 4.52, S.D. = 0.58), respectively.


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How to Cite

Silpasert, N. ., Buntamcharoen, W. ., & Mahapoj, J. . (2024). Guidelines for developing a web application for the Southern Souvenir . Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 10(2), 174–179. retrieved from