Develop a sales system for OTOP products at Thitima Shop.


  • Kriangkrai Sinlaparatsamee Faculty of Administrative Sciences Chalermkanchana University
  • Phuwadol Rungreung Faculty of Administrative Sciences Chalermkanchana University
  • Watcharaporn Watcharaporn Phromphonmuang Faculty of Political Science Chalermkanchana University


online sales system, OTOP, database, website development, user satisfaction


This business computer project aims to develop an online sales system for Thitima's OTOP store to meet users' needs for online shopping, save travel time, and provide a modern and user-friendly purchasing system. The website includes a member registration and login system for product ordering. It is designed to facilitate easy product purchasing, with clear instructions on how to order and make payments. Users can be confident that they will receive their ordered products in full. The site offers a variety of products and includes comprehensive information to help users better understand their use. The research methods included user needs analysis, website design and development, and user satisfaction evaluation. The results indicated high user satisfaction, demonstrating that the website effectively meets user demands and enhances the convenience of online shopping.


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How to Cite

Sinlaparatsamee, K. ., Rungreung, P. ., & Watcharaporn Phromphonmuang, W. . (2024). Develop a sales system for OTOP products at Thitima Shop. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 10(1), 139–161. retrieved from