Website Information Development For Nhongmex Childhood Center Nhongmex Kantaraluk Sisaket


  • Nattakritta Ruangpradit Faculty of Administrative Sciences Chalermkanchana University
  • Sukanyanee Kingkaew Faculty of Law Chalermkanchana University
  • Orapin Srikrathum Faculty of Political Science Chalermkanchana University


evaluation, information system, website, satisfaction, performance


This research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and performance of an information system website by analyzing statistical measures such as mean and standard deviation. Data were collected through evaluation forms completed by three groups: the management committee of the child development center, caregivers, and parents of students. The study revealed that the overall website quality, as assessed by the management committee, was rated high, demonstrating satisfaction with the system's accurate performance, user interaction, and ease of access. Caregivers rated the website highly for system capabilities, menu usability, and efficient access. Parents also rated the website highly, showing satisfaction with the system's ease and speed of access. The mean scores for the overall system quality were 3.66 for the management committee, 3.80 for caregivers, and 3.70 for parents, indicating the website's overall efficiency and satisfactory usage.


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How to Cite

Ruangpradit, N. ., Kingkaew, S. ., & Srikrathum, O. . (2024). Website Information Development For Nhongmex Childhood Center Nhongmex Kantaraluk Sisaket. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 10(1), 96–120. retrieved from