The Development of Carpet InFo online E-Commerce Systems


  • Amnat Sarapai Faculty of Law Chalermkanchana University
  • Thawanrat Phunuch Faculty of Political Science Chalermkanchana University
  • Thammarat Phuengkit Faculty of Administrative Sciences Chalermkanchana University


website development, online store, data management system, user satisfaction, carpet


This project aimed to apply knowledge in creating a program and designing and developing an online carpet store website to enhance the efficiency of store data management, ensuring faster and more accurate operations compared to the previous system. The project addressed issues such as product data collection, customer contact, and payment confirmation, previously managed through separate channels, which led to confusion and difficulty in data consolidation. The absence of a main website for centralized information made searching and updating data challenging and prone to errors, especially as data volume increased. To address these issues, the project developed the "Carpet InFo" website using WordPress, integrating a commerce plug-in to create the main website and organize all product presentation and sales communication in one location efficiently. This ensured greater convenience and accuracy for users. User satisfaction was evaluated using a satisfaction survey, and data were analyzed for percentage, mean (X̅), and standard deviation (S.D.) using a statistical software package. The project results showed that the average user satisfaction for the "Carpet InFo" website was 4.825, indicating a high level of satisfaction with the website's design and functionality.


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How to Cite

Sarapai, A. ., Phunuch, T. ., & Phuengkit, T. . (2024). The Development of Carpet InFo online E-Commerce Systems. Chalermkarnchana Academic Journal, 10(1), 63–78. retrieved from