The Development of English Pronunciation Skills by Using Vocabulary Sets for Grade Five Students at Charoensuk Wittaya School
English pronunciation skills, vocabulary setsAbstract
The purpose of this research was to develop a teaching strategy by using vocabulary sets, to develop the English pronunciation skills of Charoensuk Wittaya’s students and to compare Charoensuk Wittaya students’ English pronunciation skills before and after learning. This research study found that the mean growth score was 15.49 and the mean relative gain score was 74.41. There were three students who had the highest relative gain score which was 100.00. There was one student who had the lowest relative gain score which was 56.52. After comparing the pre-test and post-test scores by using t-test, it was found that the mean post-test score was statistically higher than the mean pre-test score at the significance level of .001. Moreover, this research study found that the lesson plan efficiency score (E1/E2) was higher than the expected threshold. Consequently, this lesson plan can be used in the teaching process as it has a high level of efficiency score.
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