The Development of Cognition in Science Subject by Active Learning Management through 5Es Model Technical for Student Intertots Trilinggual School


  • Piyanut Chanphong Intertots Trilinggual School, Thailand


Active Learning, Technique 5Es, Understanding


In an analysis of Grade 6 students at Intertots Trilingual School, it was found that the mean relative developmental score was 74.35, with the highest score of 94.12 (1 student) and the lowest score of 52.38 (1 student). Furthermore, the post-test comparison revealed a statistically significant improvement at the .001 level. The efficiency of the learning management plan (E1/E2) was observed to exceed the specified threshold, indicating a high level of efficiency for the teaching lesson plan. Upon evaluation by 5 experts, the mean and standard deviation of the Appropriateness of the Management Plan by Developing Knowledge and Understanding using the 5Es Technique for Grade 6 students at Intertots Trilingual School was calculated to be 4.86. Similarly, the mean and standard deviation of student satisfaction for knowledge and understanding development in science subjects through the 5Es Model Technique for Grade 6 students at Intertots Trilingual School was determined to be 4.88.


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