The Development of English Grammar Ability in the Present Simple Tense by using the MIAP Method for Grade 5 Students of Mary Vitthaya Kabinburi School


  • Wuthikan Chanphueak Mary Vitthaya Kabinburi School, Thailand


English grammar abilities, , the MIAP teaching method


The purpose  is to develop the English grammar abilities in the present simple tense for grade 5 students at Mary Vitthaya Kabinburi School. To develop the MIAP teaching method for English language teachers at School, and to compare the English grammar abilities of present simple tense between before and after learning of Grade 5 students at Mary Vitthaya Kabinburi School. The data were collected from a sample of 44 students. The tools used this time were three learning plans, a pre-test and a post-test, worksheets, teaching plan evaluation forms, and an assessment of student satisfaction with teachers' teaching and learning activities.  The results showed that the average relative developmental score was 78.49 percent, with the highest relative developmental score being 100 percent and the lowest relative developmental score being 58.33 percent. Comparison of pre-study and post-study scores. It was found that after studying was significantly higher than before studying at the .001 level. Results of tool performance evaluation The standard criteria were set E1/E2= 75 / 75. It was found that the calculated value was E1/E2 = 98.64 / 82.65. Summary of the efficiency of the learning management plan. Higher than the specified criteria, that is, the learning management plan used for teaching is effective and considering the appropriateness of the learning plans for English grammar skills using the MIAP teaching method by experts, it was found that the mean of the appropriateness of the 3 learning plans were in highest level Student teaching satisfaction at a high level.


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