Multiculturalism and the New Generation: Pathways to Building Understanding and Harmony in Contemporary Society


  • PhraUthit Suksang, Ph.D. -


Contemporary society, Multiculturalism


This academic article explores the relationship between multiculturalism and the new generation, offering guidelines on adaptation and coexistence in contemporary society. In the present day, our world is no longer a stranger to diversity and multiculturalism. The migration of populations from various ethnicities, nationalities, lifestyles, and differing perspectives has resulted in people from all over the world coming together in a shared space. The concept that emphasizes the beauty of differences and the value of diversity has thus become widely discussed. One of the key skills for people in the 21st century is the ability to understand cultural differences and diverse frameworks of thought. Moreover, the era of globalization has opened up opportunities for people to access boundless learning, as well as to easily and quickly reach information and knowledge sources. Today’s world is an information system that unites populations from all corners of the globe into a single society. Information and knowledge from various countries are thus easily accessible in a short amount of time.Ethnic diversity creates opportunities for the exchange of perspectives and innovations across multiple sectors, such as the economy, education, and society. At the same time, religious diversity allows individuals to learn from and respect one another’s beliefs, which is an essential foundation for fostering social reconciliation. Cultural diversity is also a vital force in the creation of new arts, languages, and lifestyles, enhancing quality of life and adding richness to global society.

The integration of multicultural diversity has made the role of the new generation central to creating a sustainable and peaceful society. The new generation is not only a leader in supporting diversity but also a catalyst for change that transforms the world into a space where everyone can coexist in peace and harmony.

A multicultural society, regardless of the generation, involves citizens, including children and youth, who are open-minded, understanding, non-discriminatory, and accepting of differences. This includes recognizing the diversity in terms of ethnicity, language, religion, and belief systems. Embracing these differences helps reduce racial and religious prejudices, fostering mutual understanding within society. It encourages people to view cultural, ethnic, and belief differences not as a means of division but as an opportunity for harmonious coexistence.



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