A Study Of The Behavior Of Morality, Ethics And Code Of Conduct Of Teachers At Chonburi New Town Kindergarten School.
Teacher behaviors related to morals, ethics and professional conductAbstract
This research is a descriptive study aimed at examining the teaching behaviors, moral values, ethics, and professional conduct of teachers with varying gender, marital status, education levels, and job positions. The study compares teaching behaviors emphasizing morals, ethics, and professional conduct, focusing on the relationships with age, monthly income, and teaching experience of the teachers.The sample for this research consisted of 127 teachers from Muangmai Chonburi Kindergarten School. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire distributed via Google Forms between August 15 and August 29, 2024. The analysis employed percentage, mean, and standard deviation to assess responses regarding morals, ethics, and professional conduct.The findings revealed that the overall morals, ethics, and professional conduct of teachers at Muangmai Chonburi Kindergarten School were rated at the highest level ( ) When examined in detail: Morals, ethics, and professional conduct towards students showed statistically significant differences. Morals, ethics, and professional conduct towards oneself and the community showed no statistically significant differences. Comparing the morals, ethics, and professional conduct of teachers with different genders, it was found that the dimension of morals, ethics, and professional conduct towards students showed statistically significant differences. However, comparing education levels, job positions, and professional conduct revealed no statistically significant differences in either specific aspects or overall. When examining the relationships between morals, ethics, and professional conduct towards students, society, and the community with age, income, and years of teaching experience using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, no statistically significant relationships were found.
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