Developing Oral And Written Communication Skills Using The CIPPA MODEL Teaching Method For Students At Amnuay Suksa School. Chanthaburi Province


  • Kanin Phuphet


CIPPA Model Teaching Method, Communication Skills in Speaking and Writing


This research aims to develop teaching methods using the CIPPA Model to enhance students' communication skills in speaking and writing at Amnuay Suksa School in Chanthaburi Province. Additionally, it seeks to compare students' speaking and writing communication skills before and after the intervention. The study involved 17 students from Amnuay Suksa School, Chanthaburi Province. Data collection included scoring for each lesson plan, with a maximum score of 10 points per session, along with pre-test and post-test scores. The results showed an average developmental score of 16 points and a relative development score with an average of 81.20. The highest relative development score was 94.12 (achieved by 2 students), while the lowest was 70.59 (achieved by 1 student).
A comparison of pre-test and post-test scores indicated that students' communication skills in speaking and writing improved significantly after using the CIPPA Model, with a statistical significance level of .001.The evaluation of the lesson plans' suitability for teaching speaking and writing communication skills, assessed by five experts, yielded an average score of 4.79 and a standard deviation of 0.26 for the three lesson plans



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