Thailand's legal measures to prevent fraudulent online businesses


  • Rujinun Watheewattanarut


Fraudulent online businesses, Crime Triangle Theory, Broken Windows Theory, Legal Measures


The problem of fraudulent online businesses is a problem caused by electronic trading and electronic transactions that are rapidly increasing and the value of damages is continuously increasing. The main driving factors are that opening an online store is convenient, easy, low cost, can reach customers quickly, can reach a variety of customer groups, and can select customers to reach the right target group. Common forms of fraud include deceiving people to buy fake products, deceiving them to transfer deposits, deceiving them to invest, deceiving them to borrow money, deceiving them to work online, deceiving them to reveal personal information, deceiving them to click on links, and deceiving them to install applications. This social phenomenon in fraudulent online businesses can be explained by academic theories in at least two theories: Crime Triangle Theory and Broken Windows Theory. Using traditional legal measures cannot solve the problem in time with the changes in fraudulent forms according to the technological advancements of criminal groups. A sustainable solution should use preventive legal measures, both to prevent broken windows and to manage one side of the crime triangle so that it does not contain all the elements of crime, such as legal measures taken against the perpetrators, legal measures to protect victims or consumers, and legal measures to reduce the opportunity to commit crimes. When crimes do not occur, it shows the effectiveness in reducing the number of fraudulent online businesses and the ability to reduce the value of damage, both to the public and the economic damage to the country.


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