A Study of Integrated Teaching Behavior and Inculcation of Morality and Ethics of Teachers in Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement in Saraburi


  • Oranicha Wimonnanthaphong


: Integrated teaching behavior moral and ethical cultivation, Saraburi Provincial Learning Promotion Office


This research aimed to: 1) examine the teaching behavior of integrating moral and ethical inculcation among teachers at the Provincial Learning Promotion Office in Saraburi, 2) compare the teaching behavior of integrating moral and ethical inculcation among teachers with different genders, marital statuses, hometowns, and educational faculties, and 3) investigate the relationship between teaching behavior in moral and ethical inculcation and teachers’ age, work experience, and monthly income at the Provincial Learning Promotion Office in Saraburi. The findings revealed that: The overall level of teaching behavior in moral and ethical inculcation among teachers at the Provincial Learning Promotion Office in Saraburi was highest in the aspect of organizing training programs (mean = 4.93, S.D. = 0.16), followed by the aspect of instructional management (mean = 4.64, S.D. = 0.30), and lowest in the aspect of learner development (mean = 4.50, S.D. = 0.39). A comparison of teaching behavior showed that teachers from different educational faculties exhibited statistically significant differences in instructional management behavior at the 0.05 level. Work experience and monthly income were not significantly correlated with instructional management, learner development, training program organization, or overall teaching behavior in integrating moral and ethical inculcation.


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