The Development of Thinking Skills in Daily Spending for Early Childhood through Role-Playing Activities for Kindergarten Level 2 Students at Ban Ko Samo Community School (Samakkhi Witthaya)
Cognitive skill development, Role-playing teaching methodAbstract
This research aims to develop teaching methods using role-playing activities to simulate daily financial spending and compare the financial spending skills of kindergarten level 2 students at Ban Ko Samo Community School before and after the lessons. The study involved 24 students using three instructional plans scored out of 10 points and pre- and post-tests consisting of 30 items worth 30 points. The findings revealed that post-test scores were higher than pre-test scores. The average pre-test score was 19.00 (SD = 6.7), and the post-test score was 29.3 (SD = 0.87). The effectiveness scores (E1/E2) were 85.7/97.8, exceeding the 75/75 standard criteria, indicating highly effective instructional plans. Role-playing activities enhanced young students' decision-making and cognitive development, helping them acquire knowledge and better thinking strategies. The process allowed students to simulate real-life scenarios, solve problems, and apply knowledge to daily life. Teachers are encouraged to design innovative activities that foster students' intellectual abilities and maximize their potential in the educational process.
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