Developing vocabulary reading skills through a series of reading activities for primary school students at Wat Lad Khao School (Pracharatwittaya)


  • Parima Kanma


Word reading skills, Using reading activity sets


This research aimed to train reading skills of primary school students at Wat Lat Khao School (Pracharath Witthaya) and to compare reading skills before and after students were taught to promote reading skills of primary school students at Wat Lat Khao School (Pracharath Witthaya). In this research, data was collected from 20 primary school students at Wat Lat Khao School (Pracharath Witthaya). The research period began in the first semester of the 2024 academic year, from May 16, 2024 to September 30, 2024. Three learning management plans were used, with 10 points for each plan and 30 pre-test and post-test scores of 30 items, with the following research conclusions:

The efficiency of E1/E2 learning management plan by learning reading skills by using reading activity sets of primary school students at Wat Lat Khao School (Pracharath Witthaya) by 5 experts found that the average of all 3 learning management plans was 4.83 and the standard deviation was 0.37. The highest average was 1.) The content of the plan was correct. 2.) It can develop the potential of the learners. 3.) There were clear evaluation criteria. 4.) It covered all aspects of knowledge, skills and attitudes. 5.) The measurement method and measurement tools were appropriate and accurate. The average was 5.00. The lowest average was 1.) The content was correct according to the principles and up-to-date. The average was 4.60.



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