Airline staff service’s strategy to improve airline operations efficiency


  • Sakulthong Charoenthong International College, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


Service quality, Efficiency, Airline business


This qualitative research aims to study the relationship between airline staff service’s strategy and airline operations efficiency to improve the airline service quality of airlines or agencies to provide related services. Samples include: 1) Four flight attendants with working experience in airline business 2) Four ground operations officers in airline business 3) Four strategy officers in airline business, in total of twelve examples. The method for collecting data is an in-depth interview form, a qualitative data and content analysis.

          The results showed that: 1) Personal factors include age, education, marital status, and work experience affect the quality of service in airline business. 2) Personal service performance factors have a significant impact on improving the airline operations efficiency 3) Airline service quality provided by airline staff, it affects the passenger decision to use the airline again in the future.


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How to Cite

Charoenthong, S. (2023). Airline staff service’s strategy to improve airline operations efficiency. KBU Journal of Aviation Management:KBUJAM, 1(1), 55–69. retrieved from



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