Effective Leadership Styles in Thai Educational Administration: Balancing Tradition with Innovation
Thai educational leadership, traditional values, transformational leadership, distributed leadership, policy implicationsบทคัดย่อ
Effective educational leadership in Thailand requires balancing traditional cultural values with modern leadership practices to address the challenges of a rapidly changing global educational landscape. Thai cultural norms, such as respect for hierarchy and Buddhist principles, have traditionally shaped leadership in schools. However, the integration of transformational, distributed, and instructional leadership approaches has become increasingly important for driving innovation, improving school performance, and enhancing teacher engagement. This paper explores how Thai educational leaders can successfully blend traditional values with modern practices to create a harmonious and effective school environment. It examines the impact of different leadership styles on educational outcomes, the challenges of balancing tradition with innovation, and the policy implications for leadership development in Thailand. Recommendations for supporting future educational leaders include expanding training programs, increasing school autonomy, and promoting collaborative leadership. With the right support, Thai educational leaders have the potential to transform schools, ensuring that they are both culturally responsive and future-ready.
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