Accentuation of Brand through Slogan Rebranding: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Rebranding, Brand Loyalty, Brand Re-identity, Brand Repositioning, Structural Equation ModelingAbstract
Rebranding aims to reshape customer perceptions by altering a brand's name, logo, or slogan. This study unveils how slogan rebranding accentuates and transforms brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand re-identity, and brand repositioning, driving a refreshed narrative for the brand. The study collected data from 203 respondents who were individuals confirmed to be aware of the rebranding campaigns of the three brands through a preliminary screening question included in the questionnaire and whether they are consuming those brands. The results revealed that Perceived Quality significantly influences Brand Loyalty, and Brand Re-identity positively affects Perceived Quality, while Brand Repositioning had no significant impact on Perceived Quality. The findings suggest that rebranding efforts should prioritize improving Perceived Quality and Brand Re-identity to enhance brand loyalty. Successful rebranding aligned with customer preferences and market trends can strengthen brand attachment and loyalty. Socially, rebranding can shift public perceptions and foster stronger customer-brand relationships, contributing to sustainable business practices. This study provides empirical evidence on the effects of rebranding slogans, offering valuable insights for brands seeking to improve loyalty and market positioning.
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