Lesson Learned in Digital Disruption Age


  • Boonyanaree Wattanasan


Lessons learned, Knowledge management, Tacit Knowledge, Explicit Knowledge


Lessons learned is a process of extracting knowledge and skills gained from work, activities, and projects, both successful and unsuccessful, to be used as capital for future operations on that issue or similar issues. If lessons are not learned, the work on that issue, whether by ourselves or others, will have to start over every time. Therefore, it may be successful or fail again. Especially in the era of digital disruption, where the context of various works changes rapidly in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous direction. Trial and error can cause damage to life, property, and economic value. We can learn lessons from groups that perform various operations, from our friends, and learn from our own lessons through formal techniques such as reviewing during the operation, reviewing after the operation, and through informal techniques such as learning lessons from friends. The success of each lesson learned depends on 4 important elements: 1) the person whose lessons are being learned, 2) the conversation process or the process used to ask questions to obtain lessons, 3) the lessons learned from learning, and 4) the reflection of lessons learned from the person whose lessons were learned. Examples of lessons learned include lessons on firefighting a chemical storage facility, lessons on rescue of a collapsed high-rise building, lessons on using a bomb disposal robot, lessons on creating positive energy for oneself to escape from depression. Some lessons learned from the debriefing may be developed into working methods, work procedures or processes, good practices, and some lessons learned from the debriefing may be further developed into innovations or inventions. Therefore, lessons learned are knowledge management that benefits society, allows it to grow sustainably and keep up with rapid changes in this changing era.


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