Airside Capacity Enhancement using Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) method


  • Dussadee Sungthong
  • Thongchai Jeeradist Aviation Personnel Development Institute, Kasem Bundit University


Airside, Capacity, Airport Collaborative Decision Making


Airside capacity improvement is a critical challenge for airports worldwide, especially in the face of increasing air traffic demand. This paper explores the application of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) as a method to enhance airside capacity. A-CDM facilitates collaborative planning and real-time information sharing among airport stakeholders, including airlines, air traffic control, and ground handlers. This paper aimed to discussed, how A-CDM can optimize aircraft turnaround processes, improve aircraft sequencing and scheduling, enhance situational awareness, and enable more efficient use of airside resources. The benefits of A-CDM for airside capacity improvement are discussed, including reduced delays, improved punctuality, increased throughput, and enhanced safety. Case studies and examples are presented to illustrate successful implementation of A-CDM in improving airside capacity at airports. The paper concludes with recommendations for implementing A-CDM to enhance airside capacity and improve overall airport operations efficiency.


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How to Cite

Sungthong, D., & Jeeradist, T. (2024). Airside Capacity Enhancement using Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) method. KBU Journal of Aviation Management:KBUJAM, 1(3), 41–51. retrieved from



Review Article