Cultural Narratives and Identity Formation in Contemporary Thai Literature: A Humanities Perspective


  • กนกวรรณ ประจันตะเสน มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น ขอนแก่น ประเทศไทย


Cultural Narratives, Identity Formation, Thai Literature, Globalization, Modernity


This paper explores the role of cultural narratives in contemporary Thai literature and their impact on identity formation in a rapidly globalizing world. Focusing on key authors such as Prabda Yoon, Chart Korbjitti, and Chakrabhand Posayakrit, the study examines how literature reflects the ongoing tension between traditional values and modern societal pressures. Through themes of identity crisis, urbanization, gender, and morality, contemporary Thai literature provides insights into both personal and collective identity formation. The paper also highlights the challenges and opportunities faced by Thai authors, particularly in the context of censorship, translation, and the rise of digital storytelling. As Thai literature continues to engage with issues of cultural identity, its future will likely be shaped by technological advancements, global recognition, and a continued negotiation between tradition and modernity.


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How to Cite

ประจันตะเสน ก. . (2024). Cultural Narratives and Identity Formation in Contemporary Thai Literature: A Humanities Perspective. Journal of Exploration in Interdisciplinary Methodologies (JEIM), 1(3), 45–54. สืบค้น จาก



Academic Article
