Occupational Health Hazards among Migrant Canteen Workers in Select Higher Education Institutions of Rohtas District in Bihar
Occupational hazard, awareness, musculoskeletal problems, migrant workersAbstract
Background: Occupational health and safety practices are concern when there are major accidents at the workplace and it leads to huge loss for both human and property. Workers migrate from their hometown in search of better work opportunities in the canteen such as cutting, grinding, and washing. These activities lead to stress and muscle fatigue. Migrant canteen workers in Bihar face numerous occupational health hazards that pose significant risks to their well-being. Objective: This study tries to investigate the prevalence of occupational health hazards among migrant canteen workers in Bihar and also determine the awareness regarding occupational health and safety practices. Methodology: This study was qualitative in nature and exploratory in approach which was conducted in the various canteens of Bihar state and data was collected through in- depth interview for qualitative data. The universe for this study was 70 and the sample size was 4. Findings: The study resulted in thematic findings that the low occupational health hazards awareness of the canteen is due to inadequate education and training on occupational safety and health. The prevalent occupational health hazards are musculoskeletal hazards affects which includes back pain, headache, numbness in figures and hand, body ache etcetera and chemical hazards affects which includes red rashes, itching and various dermatological issues.
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