A survey on the motivation of Japanese language learning in Higher Education Institutions among Japanese Language Students Taking The College Entrance Examination


  • Ruishu Zhang School of Language and Culture, Chuxiong Normal University


High School Japanese Exam Takers, University Japanese, Learning Motivation, Factor Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, SPSS Software


This study aims to explore the motivational factors influencing Japanese language learning among high school Japanese exam takers at a local university in Yunnan and their impact on academic development and career choices, providing references for teaching optimization and educational policy. Through questionnaires and literature review, factor analysis and principal component analysis were employed to examine changes in students’ learning motivation. The results indicate that students’ basic background has little effect on their motivation. The main factors contributing to motivational decline include personal issues, teaching quality, course difficulty, and availability of teaching resources. Motivational adjustments primarily rely on self-regulation, with some students seeking external support. Learning motivation significantly affects students’ academic performance and career decisions. The study suggests improving teaching methods, meeting individual needs, enhancing motivation, increasing language proficiency, and promoting cross-cultural understanding to address learning challenges, fostering a more effective language learning environment.


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