A Sociological Analysis of the Cultural Characteristics of Hotpot Restaurant Names in the Sichuan-Chongqing Region



Hotpot restaurant names , cultural characteristics, sociological perspective, qualitative analysis, Sichuan-Chongqing region, food culture


This study aims to explore the cultural characteristics and formation mechanisms of hotpot restaurant names in the Sichuan-Chongqing region, examining how these names reflect cultural heritage, regional identity, brand building, and customer experience, while uncovering the socio-cultural motivations behind them. Utilizing qualitative research methods, this study selects 43 restaurants located in the Sichuan-Chongqing area from the top 100 hotpot restaurants listed on a popular food website. Through systematic categorization and in-depth interpretation using three-level coding analysis, the findings reveal distinct characteristics of these restaurant names in terms of cultural heritage and innovation, regional cultural expression, brand identity formation, and the construction of dining experience. These names not only serve as commercial identifiers but also as carriers of cultural and social value. This study offers new theoretical and practical insights into the role of business names in cultural heritage and social interaction, providing practical guidance for restaurant industry professionals in brand building and market positioning and offering consumers a deeper understanding of regional culture.


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